As we assemble our own unique belief system, we often look with special curiosity to those moments about which we have no data - before birth and after death. At the end of The God Chord I assert that the fully composed chord is analogous to what traditional faiths name the soul. I further posit that after death the sentient chord then takes its conscious place with The God Chord as an integral partner in the transcendent harmony that is the uni- or multiverse.
Thinking about that notion kept me up most of the night last night. I am still fairly content with that notion of transcendence "here at the end of life as we know it." But somehow it fails to address some fairly pity issues. Like why "my life," why here, now, why in these particular circumstances? I have some fairly New Age friends [and no, I don't claim that mantel myself] who assert that we pick our parents. That smacks too much of the universal intervening directly in the lives of the unique and particular.
Here's where I am right now - and I do have to start at the end of our lives on Earth. I'm still not pulling completely away from the the evolved sentient chord taking a conscious place in the transcendent harmony of the universe, but I am stopped from fully embracing that concept because of the infinite variety of ways in which we leave this world. I shiver a bit every time I hear the radio blurb, "A marine from Camp Lejeune was killed in Afghanistan today, 24-year old . . . " or "A truck carrying 12 passengers careened off the road in Dare county killing eight . . . . ." I spent time as a lap parent at the local hospital just holding tiny, tiny premies. Not all of them made it.
The point is this - too many lives end too quickly for them to have composed a chord that has the maturity ready for partnership in the transcendent harmony of the universe. So where does that chord go? Does it, as my New Age friends assert, circle the earth scoping out a harmonic womb? That model does not really fit with FHEBOH, or the essential tuning of the chord. Again the universal intruding on the particular. The youthful, or older but still undeveloped chord, must continue to evolve, and neither the sad and inconvenient reality of a premature death, nor the passing of a aged but arrested chord, must be allowed to stop the compositional process.
Again as asserted in The God Chord our chord is encoded at the level of strings within our DNA, and is relatively unimpeded by the death of the body. It moves smoothly out into the other 6 or 7 dimensions predicted by the math of string theory and supersymmetry, out into the particle dynamics that define the universe. So where does it go from there? Well, remember that the first mandate of FHEBOH is Foster Harmony. And harmony results from strings being attracted to harmonic strings, that then are attracted to further harmony that eventually coalesce to ever greater harmonic units. And those units would eventually be drawn to clusters of harmony that hold the greatest attraction for the growing harmonic entity. Hence, the prematurely truncated or arrested chord is drawn to that next form of existence that contains a promising path to transcendent harmony, to the completion of the chord. They are born into an existence that provides a positive pathway to transcendent harmony.
I have mentioned "the arrested chord" a couple of times above. An arrested chord is one that has abdicated the nature of the harmony it pursues. The keepers of such chords are "harmonic fundamentalists." They have allowed religious or political dogma to determine the "correct chord." They no longer seek their unique chord, rather they seek to bend their chord to echo that demanded by their political or religious leaders who, sadly more often than not, are driven by personal desire for money and power. An arrested chord is a deep spiritual sickness, as it guarantees a partnership with discord. It is to correct that discord that the arrested chord finds a place alongside the truncated chord in between "compositional sessions" in subsequent existences.
Traditional notions of reincarnation bring us back to Earth to "get it right." There is a discordant, almost punitive aspect to that. In seems counter-intuitive from a Foster Harmony perspective. If Earth had been the right place for this chord, wouldn't have things worked out better the first time around?
Well, wherever we end up in the next "world into which we are born" our choices in that reality are the compositional acts that further the tuning of our chord. The tasks remain the same in every existence. Foster Harmony, Enable Beauty, Oppose Harm.
Okay, so I was about to drop off to sleep - maybe 3 AM. And then I thought, certainly everyone born here on Planet Earth does not encounter an equal path to success. Even in this age of digital egalitarianism a staggering number of entrepreneurs trace their roots back to elite schools on the right and left coasts and to deep-pocket investors with ties to those institutions. India's technological elite can see cesspools of abject poverty from their crystal towers. China's economic elite are still joined at the hip to the political bosses. The playing field on Planet Earth seems far from level. Then is struck me: To assume an "advantaged" birth is to wrongly assume that the end state so advantaged lies on the path to transcendent harmony. Money and power have little relationship to harmony. We need only scan the headlines from the last few years to see that those who glittered most brightly on the world's financial scene were - how does one put this delicately, glazed turds.
Perhaps to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth is more a curse than a blessing, as one is taught early by those one loves, that money can buy anything, that power is the objective. If one is fortunate enough to be able to unlearn that fallacy, one cannot help but bemoan the compositional time one wasted shedding that discord. That is not to say that money and power cannot be used to foster harmony. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seems to be making great headway in that direction. In the final analysis though, neither wealth nor poverty give one a step up towards harmony. The divine right of kings and the noble savage are both fallacies. You craft your chord in an existence in which transcendent harmony is possible. The choices are yours.
Okay, 4:30 and getting a bit drowsy. Which is when it struck me that the manifestation of your chord must not constrain the legitimate manifestation of another's. But I'm going to save that for another time.
Foster Harmony. Enable Beauty, Oppose Harm.