As a teacher I spent my life as an agent of change. Moving students from lethargy to curiosity, leading to a life of positive action. I was a motivational speaker for an active mind and living an active life. It was, in a word, exhausting. I do not believe that those frenetic years led to my multiple myeloma, but I have decided that it is time to pass my "agent of change cape" to a younger generation, and put on the more relaxing garb of an “agent of calm.” This blog explores that new role.
Monday, December 27, 2021
On Hours and Identity
Monday, December 20, 2021
Schrag Wall PPP: Roll out the Barrel
The original photograph was taken at Colonial Williamsburg. The locale is a workshop that made and repaired both barrels and wagon wheels.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
As promised - Twin 1
Both images are 38x14. And I forgot to mention PPP stands for Ping Pong Painting because the images sort of “ping pong” back and forth between a computer, a graphics tablet and my drawing table. Here is Twin 1 again:
SchragWall PPP Twin2
A quick note since we have a few new folks joining us over the holidays, as well as some we have mutually rediscovered.
A post designated 2nd ed., like the recent “Regrets, I’ve had a Few,” post is a “re-post” from the early days of The Wall I have encountered in the course of yet another attempt to put The Wall into book form.
A post designated PPP (like this one) stands for Ping Pong Painting because the image began life as one of my photographs, then gets pulled into Photoshop where I white out the spaces that will make room for the final hand drawn and colored designs. That version of the file is printed out and I do the drawing and coloring of the designs by hand.
If you have any questions just drop me a note at
Now for today’s post. It is called Twin 2 because you have already seen Twin 1. I “twin” an image by printing out 2 copies of the image in the “image with blanks where the designs and coloring will be” stage. And then I create two versions of the image using that template. I will resend Twin 1 later. I try to keep to one image per post since it has been my experience that you get a higher resolution image that way which helps if you click on the image and your device pops it out into some graphics application. So Twin2:
Friday, December 10, 2021
Regrets, I’ve Had a Few, 2nd edition. Circa 9/04/2004
Regrets, I’ve had a few . . . 9.02.04
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Falling Awake
It is dichotomy. I should be quite clear about that right here at the beginning. “Falling asleep,” going from consciousness to “un-,” is very often difficult for me. I wish it were not so. “Falling awake,” leaving my dreamworld and returning to waking, is often relentless and able to resist all my conscious efforts to remain asleep. There, now I think we can go on.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Shake It Up Baby!
Why do I do this to myself?!! Hush. Quiet. Think like a sewing machine. Dot. Dot. Dot.
Monday, November 22, 2021
A Raccoon on Hillsborough Street, 2nd ed.
[I have mentioned before my envy of my sister’s memory. This is one of those times. I have been asked to find a poem previously published here on The Wall. I remember the incident quite clearly, however, the date and the title escape me. So rather than rail against my inability to recall those vital bits of information I have decided to track the poem down. The silver lining to this particular cloud is that I am rediscovering some golden oldies that I get to share with you again. So if I mark a post “2nd ed.” It means I have looked at the piece again and perhaps made some slight changes. The first few are circa 2004ish, so unless your memory is better than mine they may seem entirely new!]
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
The Artist and The Artwork
You may have noticed I quote a lot of songs, poems, plays, etc. The idea is that if someone has already said what I want to say, but better, it makes no sense trying to “improve” when I can simply quote. I think I have already mentioned that when I come across a particularly excellent sentence in a novel I try to contact the author to simply say “Well done. Thank you!” I have also learned that it is wise to make sure the author is still alive. But that is a story for another day.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
More Thoughts on Home
Perhaps my reflections on “homelessness” were unduly influenced by the notion of “homes” being physical structures. The whole notion of “hearth and home” and all that. And without doubt the iconic image of folks gathered around the fireplace popping corn and roasting apples is a powerful one, despite the fact that the flames are gas generated and the apples are most likely GMO. I actually did my Ph.D dissertation, lo’ those many years ago, on the inherent power of visual images on celebratory moments. Sparing you those many pages, let me simply assert that those are very powerful images - particularly Thanksgiving. Again I’ll be sparing you those many pages of explanation.
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Millions of Colors
It may have been an early Photoshop ad: “Millions of Colors,” or then again part of an old ongoing Apple debate when they claimed software capable of “millions of colors” but provided monitors capable of displaying only a small fraction of those promised colors. No big deal either way. Just the contemporary version of a discussion that has probably been going on ever since early hominids first started streaking cave walls with various shades of ochre and debating which really captured the true essence of the charging mammoth.
The fascinating movie Tim’s Vermeer (Google it) gives us a peek at how one - at least a billionaire - might attempt to replicate these lost arts. But as we see, it would still be incredibly difficult even with a million bucks and a peek at the original owned by the Queen of England!
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Synesthesia and Creativity
Back around 1970 - so junior year at Kalamazoo College - I was assigned the book Expanded Cinema by Gene Youngblood which Wikipedia says "was the first book to consider video as an art form." I'm a little leery of "firsts" and "uniquelys" and other such absolute claims, but it is a very cool book. I think it is in a box back in Raleigh, which means it survived nine or ten “bookshelf purges” in which I would clear out books I deemed “no longer important.” I would stack them out side my office door with a sign reading “Help Yourself.” I think Expanded Cinema made the cuts so many times because it has an excellent introduction by Buckminster Fuller, but even more so because it introduced me to the whole notion of synesthesia.
I think of synesthesia as a neurological railroad roundhouse, sort of like in Thomas the Tank Engine, where the trains get shuffled onto the proper track. To greatly simplify, vibrations come into the ear, strike the ear drum and then make their way to the roundhouse - AKA the brain - which shuffles those impulses onto the right track and we hear music. The eyes do the same with visual data, nose to smell, skin to feel, etc. Well, people with synesthesia - synesthetes - have some unusual cross overs in the road house. For some synesthetes the letters blue come into the eyes black but the brain sees blue. Some synesthetes smell coffee and see specific images. Sounds can have shapes and colors. It is a fascinating condition, I certainly hesitate to call it a disability. Especially after watching a couple of recent episodes on Curiosity Stream.
Then RoseCabbage and I work together to decide what designs should go in each of the blanks. And I put the designs in like this:
Monday, September 27, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021
The Tech Billionaires are Grabbing The Low Hanging Fruit
OK, so Jeff Bezos rode his rather phallic contraption 10 minutes up to “sort of” space. Sir Richard Branson flew his more Si-fi friendly looking craft earlier, but a bit lower, up into weightlessness. Elon Musk’s SpaceX machines are making these one-offs seem positively humdrum by routinely ferrying astronauts up to the International Space Station. And in addition SpaceX just sent four “citizen astronauts” on a sort of joy ride around the globe. Cool, I guess, as a pilot for a Reality TV Show “Billionaires in Space,” or something.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Foolish Faux Filing
Having just finished a few hours scanning through a few decades of photos stored on my external hard drive, It is probably a good time to share this post that I drafted late one night last week. . . , or last month, or last year. Or some other time.