Monday, July 4, 2016

Fireflies of Memory

As we wind our way north to visit family and friends in the "upper Midwest" we have taken to stopping for a couple of days to rest and recharge at a B&B called the Beaumont Inn in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. I was walking around the grounds at dusk when I was visited by some old childhood friends:

Fireflies of Memory

They are fireflies of memory,
Whose tiny votive candles
Bless the rolling lawns 

Of this stately old home.

As evening darkens the skies
Of western Kentucky
They rise from the clover 
In startling numbers.

I remember, I believe,
Similar displays from childhood.
In Ohio, Michigan, and South Dakota,
They would call us into dusk.

Armed with Mason jars,
Lids punctured in futile compassion,
We created short-lived nightlights,
That bathed our bedrooms in wonder.

I do not truly know if those
Childhood excursions
Featured fireflies equal to
Last night's stunning profusion.

But I choose to remember that they did. 

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