[Having read with increasing amazement the incredibly bizarre things that folks like QAnon believe I need to point out right up front that this post is satire. It is not true. I am doing it just for fun and have no desire to run for public office. - RLS]
I had hoped that given the results of the recent presidential election and the superhyped not so Super Bowl we had seen the end of "fake news" and "alternate realities." Sadly this is not true, particularly when it comes to the covid pandemic. I am staggered with the gobbledeguk that various pointed-headed science types are asking us to believe. It is as if their decades of research and education entitles them to opinions that are more credible than those I have gleaned from obscure web sites and fortune cookies from my favorite Chinese restaurants. I finally couldn't take it any more so I assembled my own team of experts. I have shared earlier versions of these esteemed colleagues with a select group of you here on the Wall whose qualifications as experts are unquestionable - so I did't question them.
So let us meet the Real Covid Committee. [Fearing unfounded reprisals from the aforementioned pointed-headed science types, their real names have been omitted leaving only their Covid Face #s.]
Covid Face#1: Chair of the committee. No educational background, but showed exceptional promise in pre-K coloring.
Covid Face # 2 shares many of the same qualifications as #1 but not to such a high degree.
Covid Face 3 and 4. No qualifications to speak of. They were sitting at the table next to us and we needed 2 more members to break any ties. The fourth wants to fix it's face. Perhaps we can get a peek at a subsequent post.
So those are the committee members. I will report our conclusions in a subsequent message.
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