I’m in a kind of hurry
To just slow down a bit.
Since all through life I worried
That things might fail to fit -
All the living and the loving,
The wondering ‘bout each bit,
Of life’s pictures, and it’s poems,
Of where they’d be arranged,
Since every day, and every way
They’ve kept my mind engaged,
With who and why and wherefore,
With the hopes and goals to meet,
With the myriad potentials of
The paths before my feet.
They’ve kept the brain cells churning,
Neglecting needed sleep.
So now I am a'hurryin' -
To just slow down a tad.
To gently put behind me
The paces of the lad.
To pause and shift my glances
From the towering tops of trees
To studying small treasures
Lurking down below my knees.
Secret nests of little songbirds,
‘Neath small flowers, tiny eggs,
Will soon be mouths demanding
Bugs, and worms, and crawly things,
That fuel the bright clear music
Of the birds that sing in Spring.
So don’t worry, rush on by me.
Pray, do scurry past my bower.
For I’ll be here to rest and watch,
For nigh onto an hour.
The passing minutes move me not,
They leave me free from worry.
Though again it seems I must confess,
That I’m really in a hurry -
To just slow down a bit.
Love it. So true!