Saturday, April 30, 2022

PPP: Just an Update

 Hi there. A number of you have sent me a number of versions of this question:

"What do you do with all your images?"

It is a legitimate question, especially since I had to collapse the images that had hung in my office at NC State for 40 odd years. Large images 4'x3'. Stretched on canvas, maybe a dozen. They are now in the Raleigh house including my largest image in the master bath, maybe 5.5'x4.5 - well, the images that were on the sides of city buses were bigger 40 feet by something. But I don't have those. They hang in the Transportation Building in Raleigh.

So you see I do struggle with the "Whatcha gonna do with all those images?!"  Here in Burr Ridge, the upstairs walls are already taken, so I am limited to the walls here downstairs in my studio - or the cave - depending on your perspective. So I have figured out how to surround myself with at least the images created here:

Of course the problem is I have just purchased an iPhone 13 pro that has the macro photo capability. I have already begun doing silly things with it, which will quickly fill the wall behind me and force me to begin to expand to the walls across the room - lots of room there!

If any of you own - or have access to - a gallery that might be interested in relieving my logjam of images do let me know. These days the work of old white guys is not much in demand. I toyed with the idea of starting my own gallery called "Of a Certain Age."  However remembering how much work my partner and I put into our online children's publishing company, "Chapter and Verse" back in the late 1990s, starting another company sounded a whole lot like work with not much time left for drawing. So I'm moving away from that idea 😜.

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