Wednesday, August 14, 2024

L'Image Aumentare: Pearl 1

OK, I'm going to move from prose to images for awhile.

I have always loved Vermeer's Girl With a Pearl Earring, called by some the Mona Lisa of the North. I actually prefer Vermeer's image to DaVinci's. I mean seriously
say you were at what the Brits call a "drinks party," and these two women were there:

Which one would you want to have a glass of bubbly with? Really!

Anyhow the Pearl image has been spoofed a number of times, usually to comic or distorted effect. That is not my intention. Mine is intended as more of an homage. And I thought it moight be fun to let you watch the process as it unfolds:

Here is the first design step, the "cartoon" if you will:

The blank spots at her shoulders will probably come last. It is my intention to fill them with a miniature version of this image, completed of course and rotated:

I'm just not sure how to do it!

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