OK, I realize you don't usually get a couple of posts from me in a 24 hour period, but let me explain:
So the Old Dude post went out and I got a very quick response from one of y'all out there - way out there. She opined that for some reason the image reminded her of Chagall, and thought that an upside down violin would complete the image nicely.
Which naturally got me thinking. Violins, musical instruments, "Chagallesque" images. Hmmm. I've drawn that picture, haven't I? So I took myself down to my computer and opened up my trusty 4 terabyte hard drive and began to search old images.
There ought to be a law. I mean really. Too many years, thousands of images. Eventually the old grey matter shrugged a bit and I remember that I hadn't draw violins, I had drawn saxophones - and back before Christine and I were married.
So I hopped back to the early 2000s and started searching for saxophones 🎷. And there it was "saxflight." But the image was in black and white ☹️. Search, search, search! Ah ha! "Saxflightclr!" March 11, 2004. And here it is with its full title: Flight of the Saxophones." Perhaps it was the two cellos down front that made me think of violins.
A more thorough "imageoctomy" leads me to think that the image was first drawn, hence the black and white versions I found. But then the effects on the colored image indicate that I then scanned the image into Photoshop and did the painting in the app. Sort of backwards from the process I use more often today where Photoshop allows me to erase parts of a photographic image to free up space where I can draw graphics and add color by hand.
Anyhow, a neat little "art voyage!" Thanks M!"
I think it's the movement and sense of music within that reminds me of Chagall. :) Hard to explain that. I had to think. lol