Saturday, February 18, 2023

Rock and Roll, Ouch!

Rock and Roll, Ouch!

Why my correspondence will drop off a little for awhile - except possibly for a few pieces that are already “in the can.” It seemed akin to watching The Rolling Stones or some other aging rocker band. One minute you’re sitting on the edge of your bed listening to your iPad, the next you’re slip-sliding-away as your socks turn traitor and send you slamming away into something called an L2 Compression Fracture. A neat dance step that was so much fun that you repeat it a couple of times a couple of days later, until you find yourself flat on your back at the LaGrange Memorial Hospital - I think, it was one of the hospitals associated with Northwest who, yes, beat Purdue a couple of days ago - hospital days get foggy, all the drugs, etc. 

So I’m laying there complete with wristbands with your name and ID declaring you a Fall Risk. Happy Valentines Day! 🧌

So I am home again, here on the couch, not being able to do anything worthwhile, just being a pain in the ass. Everyone is being sweet to me. Christine brings me great food, Stand-in sister-in-law Chris drives me around to docs when needed, Smitty pitches in by pretending to like watching basketball on TV.  Vito occasionally licks my face. So I am trying to concentrate on getting better, and saying “Thank you” a lot, lest they all rise up and carry me out to the curb with the rest of the trash.

I cheer myself up by watching earthquakes and live action wars on TV, on the premise that “things could always be worse.” 

So in the words of Bobby McFerrin, “Don’t worry, be happy!”
❤️‍🩹 ❤️‍🩹 

1 comment:

  1. ouch! When you get better how about wearing grippy socks and the standing yoga practice of standing on one leg? Best wishes for getting past the compression fracture. Go Vito!
