Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thoughts After a Needed Thanksgiving Rest

 I’m not exactly sure when it hit me, but I think it was a direct result of being physically away from the stress and uncertainty that seems to unremittingly permeate every moment of the move from the North Carolina house into the Pine Tree Lane house in Illinois. It was a respite for which I owe my sister-in-law, Sandy, and her husband Wayne, an incredible debt of gratitude.

Anyway, after just a few days in their Wisconsin home over Thanksgiving, it struck me that while 2023 seemed like stepping into the ring with Mike Tyson, there remains a life beyond broken bones, funerals, cardboard boxes and artwork that has yet to find its place. The “it” was the realization that I still have important things to accomplish that are completely discrete from the stress of those aforementioned dark realities.

No, I do not know exactly what “they” are, but the simple realization that they are out there was a significant relief. As to those nagging questions related to figuring out just what they are; I think I will toss the job of answering those questions back into the lap of the universe and try to get better at listening for the answers. If that sounds like a wish and a prayer it is because it is both.

In the meantime I will continue my attempts to Foster Harmony, Enable Beauty, Distill Complexity and Oppose Harm. Every day a little bit. 

So enjoy whatever holidays still lie before you, and know we will be sending good wishes your way as we gleefully boot 2023 out the door!

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