Sunday, April 12, 2020

In Pursuit of the Present Yet to Be

Or, In Pursuit of The Particularly Precious Prescient Present Yet to Be

(Written during the “Go home. Stay there. Wash your hands. Keep away from people.” days of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.)

In her book, On Death and Dying
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 
Calls it “bargaining.”
It is one of her “stages of death.”
She uses it to talk about the
Big bargains we try to make 
With God:

 “Let the search plane
Find me before I die and I’ll
Devote my life to pursuing 
World Peace for All People.”

Big stuff like that.

The US, in large part
Through a failure of
Governmental leadership,
Now leads the world.
In the unenviable category
Of COVID-19 deaths.
There is no way that is not
And so the bargains
Go up from ICUs
Around the nation.

But there are also
Bargains with a twist.
Since the virus has,
For many, 
Perhaps even most,
Mild or no symptoms,
These bargains center on
What we will do if
“I dodge the virus
And life could just get 
back to NORMAL 
before I die of boredom!”

It goes like this: [You may read aloud.]

Please God, let life get
Back to normal and
I promise to:

Stop touching my face.
Keep washing my hands.
Pay more attention to
The people in my life.
Be nicer to my partner.
Smile at my neighbors.
Thank every healthcare
Worker I ever encounter.
Always thank cashiers.
Waiters, too.
Call my parents more often.
Call my children more often.
Walk the dog more often.
Thank trees.
Thank birds.
Thank flowers.
Thank Birds of Paradise.
Both the birds and the flower.
[....Insert your bargains here.
Repeat as necessary.]

So, God, do we have a bargain?
Wadda say, Big Guy?
A little back to normal?
A little regular old-fashioned everyday?
Please, please, please?


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