Thursday, August 26, 2021

Shooting From The Hip

Well, actually from the upper arm 🤪! I have just had my third COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine. Yup the big 3, so I am feeling pretty invincible. My oncologist suggested I do so since my history of two slow dances with multiple myeloma and a couple of attendant stem cell transplants finally left me cancer free. But I  am taking Revlimid prophylactically, which tossed me into the immunocompromised group.  So I asked my oncologist his advice regarding getting the third shot and attending my college class 50th reunion in mid-October. His response? “Go for it!”

But my getting shot #3 is not really about me or my reunion plans.  It is about the 7 come 11 “too young to vaccinate” kiddos-grandchildren etc., with whom I come in contact. Not to mention the anti-vaccination individuals who inhabit adult bodies but who seemingly - as one of my favorite professors/ministers asked a classmate who had asserted that only his immediate family would be allowed into heaven - “Son did you check your brains at the door?”

I haven’t written about the tenet Oppose Harm yet, but this is one of those times. When people choose to check their brains at the door and refuse to get vaccinated I feel compelled to oppose the harm that their behavior does to everyone around them - despite the fact that I am personally vaccinated to the gills and hence unaffected by their foolishness. So this post is my bit to “oppose harm.”  I don’t want to debate other’s freedom to not get vaccinated for whatever strange reasons they have created for themselves e.g. “I don’t need no stinking mask/vaccine.” It is certainly their right to put themselves at risk. It is not, however, their right to put the rest of us out there on their fringes of foolishness. So either get vaccinated or have the courage of your convictions and stay away from the people you can infect. 😱

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